Pandya Store 6th October 2023 Written Update: In today’s episode, Natasha tells the workers’ wives that their husbands have asked Amresh for 50 lakhs. When the workers show up, they suggest their husbands might have left. But Natasha insists no one has left because they did nothing wrong. The workers believe bosses never care for them and advise their wives to go home.
Amba is worried and hopes Natasha can protect her sons. Angry, the workers’ wives scold their husbands for unreasonable demands. A worker gets a call about Natasha donating money to the hospital for an injured worker.
The worker thanks Natasha for her kind act. Chirag tells Amresh that Natasha has too much freedom. Pranali asks Natasha where she got the money for the workers. Natasha hides the truth, saying she has some savings, and asks Pranali to keep it a secret from Amresh. The Makwana brothers leave the office. Natasha tells Amresh that they wanted to harm him but were stopped by their wives.
Natasha says women are powerful. She also says that she has fixed everything, and Amresh only needs to pay five lakhs to Anil, who was hurt. The women cheer, but Hetal sees Amresh is upset. Natasha cheers her up. Amba is thankful her sons are safe. She plans a surprise and says she brought all the daughters-in-law for this. Amresh is grateful to Natasha but asks her to be more cautious. Dolly suggests a celebration, and even though everyone’s tired, Amba agrees to a small party.
Natasha remembers she left her bag inside and goes to fetch it. Dhawal follows her and hugs her, surprising her. Natasha is happy because it’s the first time Dhawal has hugged her willingly. Dhawal expresses his concern for her safety. However, Natasha sees a mall model with a sign saying the Pandya Store will be removed. She’s shocked.
Upon closer inspection, Natasha realizes the Pandya Store is marked to be replaced with premium parking. Upset, she picks up the sign. Dhawal returns and realizes she knows the truth about the mall. The episode closes with them staring at each other.
Precap: Natasha asks Dhawal if he did all this for the Pandya Store. Dhawal admits he never truly loved her.
Pandya Store 6th October 2023 Episode Review
In this exciting episode, Natasha is important because she helps Amresh handle the workers’ demands. Giving money to help an injured worker without expecting anything solidifies her reputation as a caring person. But things get tense when Pranali asks where Natasha’s money came from and the Makwana brothers’ plans are made public.
At the very end, Natasha finds a model of a mall that shows the Pandya Store being torn down. This is when the real twist happens. Dhawal’s surprise hug shows how deep their relationship is, but the episode ends on a cliffhanger when Natasha asks him what he wants. The episode mixes drama, suspense, and romance, and viewers can’t wait for the next one.